Thursday, March 10, 2022

1.2 On Saying Please

 On Saying "Please" is really worth reading to bring a change in our social behaviour. Here, one can enjoy the writer's meticulous  selection of vocabulary  and complex structures. It sets a challenge  in front of the readers to find contextual references of the words and phrases.

Title: The title ‘On Saying ‘Please’ gives us a hint that the topic is related to manners. We should know the importance of saying ‘ please’ to others. Good manners make us a socially accpeted person. It makes healthy relationship between individual decision

New words:-

Undoubtedly - known for certain to be so

Discourtesy - not polite, rudeness

assault and battery - an attack which includes not only threats but the actual use of violence

burglar - thief who breaks into houses shops etc with the intention of stealing

retaliate - to do something bad to someone who has done something bad to you

assailant - an attacker

legislate - to make a law or laws

violence - action or feeling that causes damage, unrest etc

to box - to fight with the fists (closed hands)

haughty - a high opinion of oneself and often a low position of others

boorish - rude, uncultured

laceration - hurt feelings

slur - a cause of blame

redress - remedy, set right 

vanity - pride

brooding over - spend time thinking anxiously or sadly about something

equilibrium - balance (of the mind, emotions)

bullied - threatened

insolent - very rude

henpecked –a husband who always does what his wife tells him to do

black eye – dark coloured skin around somebody’s eye ehere he or she has been hit

endorse - official agreement to the decision

martyrdom - the death or suffering of a martyr

morose - unhappy, very sad and ill tempered

Decalogue - the Ten Commandments

Verdict - judgement

intercourse - communication, conversation

resentment - anger

ordeal - difficult or painful experience

knave - a dishonest person

cheerfully - happily

squared - having no doubt, settled

countenance - a person’s face or expression

treading - pressing down something with foot

assured - confident

inexhaustible - unlimited ,can never be finished

solicitous - caring or concerned, giving helpful care

irradiated - (here) spread or produced

uncouth - impolite, unrefined

benediction - a blessing

conciliatory - trying to win friendly feelings

panegyric - a speech or piece of writing praising someone highly

moral affront – insult, disrespect

boor - a rude insensitive person

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