Friday, March 11, 2022

1.6 Into the wild

 1.6 Into the Wild

Writer: Kiran Purandare 

Kiran Purandare is a well-known wildlife activist from Maharashtra. He is known for his books like 'Sakha Nagzira'. He is a recipient of the ‘Sahitya Puraskar’. Pune’s Bhai Madhav Bagal Award and Best Literature Award given by the Cultural Department of Maharashtra State for his ‘Sakha Nagzira’. 

He spent 400 days inside Nagzira and nearby forest areas and wrote this award winning book. This extract has been taken from the same book. He is a wild-life expert, a bird watcher, a writer and honorary wildlife warden in Maharashtra. He is also the founder of Nisarg Wedh Organisation, which works for nature conservation and community work around Nagzira, Navegaon, a Tiger Reserve in Bhandara and Gondia districts. He also founded Kika’s Bird Club in order to spread bird farming which is very popular among school-going children of Maharashtra. The project, which is based on active participation of the local tribes to protect the wildlife, is serving as a model to enhance coexistence of humans and wildlife in and around protected areas.

About the topic: Into the wild: 

There are two parts in this topic. 

(Part I) It is an amazing experience of the writer Kiran Purandare, the solitary traveller, who is completely lost in the jungles of Umbarzara.  He narrates how he lost his way at the fall of the dusk and the terrifying turmoil he underwent thereafter. He also gives a detailed description of how he found his way towards the Pitezari.

(Part II) The second part is about Shaaz Jung, known for his wild life photography. It tells us about his entry into this world of wild life photography, the insight that he received during this journey regarding the loss of the habitat of wild animals and the genuine efforts  that  he took by establishing BCRTI, for the conservation of forests by educating the local rural folks and providing them with a sound reliable source of income

Ice Breakers:

1) Narrate in your class any of the incidents of your life when you were extremely terrified or awestruck.


Once I was walking on the road and a fast moving car came towards me. It was a break down car and it wasn’t controlled by the driver. I realised the danger. I started running leaving the road and within a margin of seconds I was able to miss the car. Though I saved myself from hitting, I was extremely terrified at that moment and shivered for a long time.

2) Complete the given table regarding the factors/situations/reasons - why you sometimes get scared and the factors that add to it. Give possible solutions.


Sr. no


Factors which add to it



While discussing about strange creatures

At midnight/In the absence of parents

Avoid such discussions/ stories as they are baseless


Discussing about Corona threat

No treatment, news of spreading it, death rate, news of it.

Avoid seeing too much of news of it.

Take necessary precautions.


Fear of thieves & criminals

Alone in the home at night.

Take safety measures. Be cool. Keep in contact with friends and relatives

3) Given below are various activities which you can pursue as your hobby, passion, or profession. Complete the table accordingly.








Reason /Challenge/




(R) I can express myself well through the strokes of brush



(R) In tourism, there is great demand for professional tourist guides.



Wild life 



(C) In theage ofcomputerslimited professional scope







(C) It’s a challenge to save the earth. I can get job in soil and conservation department. 






(R) Good and interesting work but has little scope to get the job.

4) Match the following ‘Wild-Life Sanctuaries’ with their locations.

Wild Life Sanctuary


1. Bandipur National Park

(a) Uttarakhand

2. Kaziranga National Park

(b) Madhya Pradesh

3. Jim Corbet National Park

(c) Karnataka

4. Ranthambore National Park

(d) Assam

5. Kanha National Park

(e) Rajasthan


Wild Life Sanctuary


1. Bandipur National Park

(c) Karnataka 

2. Kaziranga National Park

(d) Assam 

3. Jim Corbet National Park

(a) Uttarakhand

4. Ranthambore National Park

(e) Rajasthan

5. Kanha National Park

(b) Madhya Pradesh

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