Thursday, February 16, 2023

Time Management for HSC Board English Paper

 Time Management for 

HSC Board English Paper

Time management is extremely important as it helps you to complete your paper on time. You can give justice to every topic

             Section. I Prose Lesson 

Q 1 A. Seen Extract.       20 Minutes.

Q 1 B. Language Study.  05 Minutes.

                          Total =  25 Minutes


Q. 2. A  Unseen Extract   20 Minutes

Q 2. B 1 Summary            05 Minutes

Q 2.B 2 Mind - Mapping.   07 Minutes

                            Total =  32 Minutes


             Section III. Poetry 

Q 3. A Seen Poem       15 Minutes.    

Q. 3. B Appreciation    10 Minutes.

                      Total =  25 Minutes


Section IV Writing Skill 

Q 4 A.                                  12  Minutes 

Q 4 B.                                  12  Minutes 

Q 4 C.                                       12  Minutes 

Q 4 D.                                       12  Minutes

                        Total =  48 Minutes 


Section V. Literary Genre Novel 

Q 5 A.                                 10  Minutes

Q 5 B.                                 10  Minutes

Q 5 C.                                      10  Minutes

Q 4 D.                                      10  Minutes.

                                  Total =  40 Minutes


                       Total =  170 Minutes.

         Cross checking- 10 Minutes. 

               Total Time - 180 minutes 


Important Instructions :-

Please note that the above time management is just a guidelines for the students to manage the time during exam. 

Every individual person has different ability and speed of writing, so they can manage as per their speed of writing.

 This is not the final time management, every student can plan their own, based on their strong and weak areas. 

Take care that you have cover all the questions within time. 

 Don't forget the cross check the answers you have written before you submit the answer sheet.

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सदिच्छा भेट- खाकुर्डी ता- मालेगाव (नाशिक)

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