Friday, September 22, 2023

Unit Test English (2023‐24) Set – B


Mahatma Gandhi vidyamandir's

M. S. G. Jr. College, Malegaon Camp 

 Unit Test I (2023‐24)

Std - 11th              Subject ‐English     ( Set – B )           Marks ‐25    Time: 1: 00 hr


Q 1 A)  Read the extrat and complete the activities given below.                (12)

           The gruff voice was gruffer than, as the old gentleman said abruptly, after the dreadful pause, “So you’re not afraid of me, hey?” "Not much, sir.” "And you don’t think me as handsome as your grandfather?” “Not quite, sir.” "And I’ve got a tremendous will, have I?”“I only said I thought so.” “But you like me in spite of it?” “Yes, I do, sir.” That answer pleased the old gentleman. He gave a short laugh, shook hands with her, and, putting his finger under her chin, turned up her face, examined it gravely, and let it go, saying with a nod, “You’ve got your grandfather’s spirit, if you haven’t his face. He was a fine man, my dear, but what is better, he was a brave and an honest one, and I was proud to be his friend.” "Thank you, sir,” And Jo was quite comfortable after that, for it suited her exactly.“What have you been doing to this boy of mine, hey?” was the next question, sharply put. “Only trying to be neighbourly, sir.” And Jo told how her visit came about. “You think he needs cheering up a bit, do you?” “Yes, sir, he seems a little lonely, and young folks would do him good perhaps. We are only girls, but we should be glad to help if we could, for we don’t forget the splendid Christmas present you sent us, ”said Jo eagerly. “Tut, tut, tut! That was the boy’s affair. How it he poor woman? Doing nicely, sir.” And off went Jo, talking very fast, as she told all about the Hummels, in whom her mother had interested richer friends than they were. “Just her father’s way of doing good. I shall come and see your mother some fine day. Tell her so. There’s the tea bell, we have it early on the boy’s account. Come down and go on being neighborly.” "If you’d like to have me, sir.” "Shouldn’t ask you, if I didn’t.” And Mr. Laurence offered her his arm with old-fashioned courtesy. "What would Meg say to this?” thought Jo, as she was marched away, while her eyes danced with fun as she imagined herself telling the story at home.                                                                                                                                                          

A1.    Choose the correct alternative and fill in the blacks.                                     (02)

1)       Grandpa new the father of Jo's........(mother/father)

2)      The Christmas Present had been sent by.......(Laurie/Grandpa)

3)      The.......... family helped in the Hummels.(Laurence/March)

4)      Mr.Laurence........Jo.(liked/disliked)              

 A2.complete the Sentence:                                                                                (02)

               In spite of Jo's apprehension Grandpa is................

A3. Write what Jo meant by this.                                                                                                                           (02)

1)      " Only trying to be neighborly, sir".

2)      Splendid Christmas Present.

A4. Give your views( any two)                                                                                                                                (02)

               Friendship to me means..................

A5. Do as directed.                                                                                                                                                    (02)

1)       That answer pleased the old gentleman. (Change the voice)

2)      I shall come and see your mother some fine day.  (Make simple sentences)

A6.. Find the contextual meaning of the following words.                                                                               (02)

1)       boys affair---

2)      Seems a little lonely---

B) Language study-                                                                                                                                                     (03)

1).    .......ATM is ......useful Machine. (Rewrite with suitable articles)

        2) They remind me......the night, way.....midnight. (Use preposition)

        3) The king asked them, "what do you call that game?"  (Rewrite it in to Indirect Speech)

Q2. Expand the idea inherent in the following proverbs.  (Any one)                                                              (04)

1)      A bad workman blames his tools.

2)      Nature is our greatest Teacher.    

Q3. Give answer                                                                                                                                                         (06)                 

1)      Name any four periods of History of British Drama.

2)      List the four elements of drama.

3)      Define drama.



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