Saturday, January 13, 2024

How to Achieve Maximum Marks in the English Examination


How to Achieve Maximum Marks in the English Examination

(1) General Instructions :

Read each lesson as nmany times as you can. Study all the questions given in the textbook. Though the wording of the activities in the Board's Activity Sheet may be different, then Content will definitely be based on the textbook.

(2) Instructions for Section I - Prose : (g.1 and 9.2)

(i) Be familiar with each and every prose lesson in the

textbook- You will then save a lot of time while answeringe the questions based on the textual (seen) extracts.

(i1) Solve ALL the questions given after every lesson under Brainstorming, as well as the questions in the blue side- Panels on every page-these will include Comprehension and Language Study (Grammar and Vocabulary)

(iii) Prepare yourself for Comprehension and Summary of Non-textual (Unseen) Passage 19. 2 (A), (B)] and questions on

Mind Mapping (Q. 2 (C)J. Find out what you should and should not include in a summary. Study well the question

sets 3 & 4 of this book.

(3) Instructions for the Grammar Activities :

19.1 (B), 9.1 A5, 9.2 A5]

(1) Solve all the Grammar activities given in the textbook.

(ii) Learn all the different types of Grammar exercises like

Transformation exercises, e.g, use 'no sooner...than', add a

question tag, remove too', use 'unless', change the degree, voice, etc.

(iii) Study Simple, Compound and Complex sentences.the different tenses, infinitives, participles and Clauses,

(iv) Learn how to change direct speech into indirect speech, the usage of prepositionsadverbs, articles, etc. and the different types of sentences (assertive, interrogative, etc.) (Refer to past activity sheets to get an idea. Also refer to question set of this book.) You can score full marks here.

(v) These activities may be in the form of Multiple Choice

Questions. (MCQs)


(vi) In Q1 (B). B1 is Transformation of Sentences' and po,

'Spot the Error and write the correct sentence, You score full marks here.

(4) Instructions for the Vocabulary Activities : (9.1 A6, 9.2 A6)

(1) Solve all the Vocabulary activities given in the textbook

Learn the meanings of words and phrases in the Glossary in the side-panels.

(i1) Practise forming nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs,

collocations from given words. Learn antonyms; adding prefixes and suffixes. (Refer to past activity sheets to get an idea.) You can score full marks here too.

(5) Instructions for the Section II - Poetry : 19.3 (A) & (B)]

For Q. 3 (A), while studying the poems, mark out the figures of speech and rhyme schemes and remember them. This will make it easier and save time while answering the activity sheet.

Practice creating your own short poems for A5 of this question.

Q. 3 (B) is writing the appreciation of textual poems/extracts.

Learn the appreciation of all the poems well while studying,so that you can answer this question quickly according to the instructions given in the activity sheet. Refer to Question Set 6 of this book.

(6) Instructions for the Writing Skills Section: 19.4]

To be able to do the activities in this section, you should read as many topics as you can, in addition to the textbook. You should know the format of writing an email, blog, report, Interview,Speech. Expansion of ideas, Review, appeal, etc. Your general knowledge should also be good. This is the only section in the activity sheet where you have options. Read the options carefully before answering. Study well Question sets 7 to 10 given in thiso book.

(7) Instructions for the Novel Section : (9.5)

Every lesson from this section will carry 4 marks. Study all the lessons well and try to memorise the details. The sub-questions in

9. 5 (B) (C) (D) are purely memory-based and their answers should be written in brief (about 50 words each). Study all the kinds of activities that are given in the Activity Sheet format.

Refer to Question sets 11 to l4 in this book. (Note : There willbe no extracts glven in the activitų sheet for this question.)

Wish you all the Best!

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