Saturday, July 13, 2024

short speech to be delivered in your college on "Tree Conservation"

 Speech Writing:

Write a short speech to be delivered in your college on "Tree Conservation" on the  occasion of 'The World Earth Day', with the help of the following points.

✒️     Air, water and noise  

 ✒️   Pollution Depletion of Natural Resources  

✒️    Trees prevent soil erosion 

✒️    Live in harmony with nature


            Dear friend's ! Good Morning to everybody. Today, on the occasion of the World Earth Day I would like to express my views on the importance of tree conservation. Friends we all know that lite without tree is barren and meaningless. Trees are our best friends.
Trees are major assets to human being, Trees provide us oxygen, fruits, nuts, medicine, wood as wellas shelter. Trees shadow soothes us and give us pleasure. Treesare an efficient and cost free effective way to improve its air quality and reduce pollution as it produces oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide. Trees prevent soil erosion and reduce storm water runoff. Trees hold soil and water. Trees reduce heating and cooling costs.Trees are very important for preventing noise pollution. Trees play an important role in deadening unwantednoise. Resource depletion is causing plant extinction, food shortage. The best way to stop resource depletionis through tree conservation. Soil erosion can be stopped by planting more and more trees.
                    Today let's take an oath that we will live harmnoniously with nature to understand and accept nature.Let's not break the balance of the earth's eco-system. Let's end the system of consumption, waste andluxury. Let's promote sustainable development in harmony with nature.                     With this positive wordsI Dut anend to my speech. Thank you very much for listening me with patience.

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