Sunday, July 19, 2020

3.1 Summary Writing || Brainstorming A2

  STD 12th English

3.1 Summary Writing 


(A2) (i) Cut redundant words
We're often inefficient in our language, using more words than necessary.
Consider the following phrases. Find five more redundant words.
(a)Circle around can become "circle."
(b) "Write down" can become "write."
(c)"Added bonus" is simply a "bonus."
(d) "Get to the point as quickly as possible" is really "get to the point."
(e) "Close proximity" is "close."
(f "During the course of" is "during."

Answer 》》                
A) Each and Every........Each
B) Exactly The Same......Same
C) Free Gift.......Gift
D) Repeat Again .......Repeat 
E) One and the Same..........Same

(ii) Avoid adverbs:
Adverbs clutter up your copy. You can usually live without them. Here
are some examples.
(a) "That's usually a good thing to do."
(b)"That's fairly good coffee."
(c)"I totally agree.
(d) "Actually, I disagree.
Just delete all those italicized words and rewrite.
Answer 》》 
a) That's a good thing to do 
b) That’s good coffee 
c) ‘I agree’
d) ‘I disagree’ 

(ii) One word substitution
One word substitutes are words that replace a group of words or a full
sentence effectively without ereating any ambiguity in the meaning of the sentences.
(a) The life story of man written by himself: autobiography
(b) A sound that cannot be heard: inaudible
(c) A list of books: catalogue
(d) A sentence whose meaning is unclear: ambiguous

Find as many examples as you can from the internet and make a list.

Answer 》》

1) A study of Animals – Zoology
2) A Book written by unknown author  - Anonymous
3) Practice of having several wives- Polygamy
4) A Place Where Orphans live – Orphanage
5) A Study of ancient things – Archeology
6) A Person who knows many languages -  Polyglot
7) A Period of ten years – Decade
8) Extremely careful about details – Meticulous
9) A position for which no salary is paid – Honorary
10)People living in the same time – Contemporaries

By – Shri Patil A H ; MSG JR. COLLEGE, MALEGAON CAMP Mob. 9834868461

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